Wakefield Postcards Wakefield's postcard collection includes images of the town's most famous landmarks, both present and past, including Lake Quannapowitt and the old Pleasure Island Amusement Park, as well as many of the city's churches, schools, and public buildings.
Lucius Beebe Memorial Library Artwork Collection Paintings, photographs, sculptures and other art on display around the library. The collection includes photographs and paintings of the Beebe family, as well as paintings by local artists like Tom Morse.
Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department calendars The Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department has preserved hundreds of images of Wakefield in its annual calendar.
Old Photographs of Wakefield The library's collection of old photographs of Wakefield numbers in the hundreds. These images document Wakefield's architecture, landscape, businesses, places of worship, and many of its former citizens.
Current Photographs of Wakefield Images of contemporary buildings, scenes and sites around town.
Wakefield Then and Now Photo Contests : 2010 and 2011 Beebe Library’s “Wakefield Then & Now” photo contest (2010) asked entrants to select a historic photo of Wakefield and go out and take a matching photo of the same location. For the second annual "Then and Now Contest" (2011, entrants were asked to create a "mash-up" of the a historic image and a current photograph of the same location.
Wakefield High School Yearbooks The Beebe Memorial Library has digitized all volumes of the Wakefield High School yearbook, The Oracle, through 2014. The library owns physical copies of the yearbooks 2015 to the present, and plans to digitize those soon. The library has also digitized the following volumes of the The Oracle's predecessor, The Debater: 1907, 1912 (Christmas Issue), 1914, 1915, 1915 (Christmas issue), 1916, 1918-1925, 1927, 1928, 1930, and 1931.
Wakefield Local History Books Beebe Library owns a number of books about Wakefield history which have been scanned and made available online through the efforts of the Internet Archive, a non-profit organization founded in 1996 to create an online digital library and preserve it for future historians as well as current users.
Annual report of the town officers of Wakefield Massachusetts : including the vital statistics for the year. Wakefield annual Town Reports through 2014. Town Reports include statistics and financial reports of the Town, records of the actions taken at Town Meeting, vital records, and reports from individual town departments.
Town of Wakefield street lists Street Lists from 1919 onward (include residents 17 years of age and older). Street Lists are also available in hard copy in the library’s Local History Room.
Beebe Family Photo Album Includes photographs of various members of the Beebe family and photos from the Beebe Farm in Wakefield.
Library Fixtures Documents related to Red Room medallions, library fixtures, furniture, and other architectural detail work around the library.
Library Building Photos Photographs of Beebe Library, ca. 1922-modern day. This collection includes photographs of the cornerstone laying ceremony in 1922.
Wakefield Town Hall Demolition Photographs of the Wakefield Town Hall building demolition in 1958.
Wakefield Rattan/Wicker Industry Photographs and illustrations depicting buildings and people involved in the Wakefield rattan/wicker industry ca. early 1900s.
John A Volpe Photographs of John A. Volpe--a native of Wakefield and elected Governor of Massachusetts in 1960, 1964 and 1966; Secretary of Transportation in the administration of President Richard Nixon in 1968; and US Ambassador to Italy in 1972.
Bookplates Library bookplates ca. 1920s and related documents.