Young Yankee dory sailors and club officers
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Young Yankee dory sailors and club officers
Members of the Young Yankee Dory Sailors pose with officers of the Swampscott Yacht Club inside the club in this 1937 photograph. Appearing in the photo: Back row, L-R: 1. Ed Bergen, 2. Raymond Boynton, 3. King Dunwoody, 4. Frank R., 5. Barber Dunwoody, 6. Blaine Keho, Jr., 7. Forrest Mason. Seated, L-R: 1. Alan Howes, 2. Dick Hatfield, 3. Tom Rowen, 4. unknown, 5. Bill Gowell, 6. Alan Breed, 7. Charlie Coyle, 8. Oggie Keiser, 9. George White, 10. Rhet Moyes, 11. Kenneth Maree, 12. Bruce Durkee, 13. "Rags" Durkee.
The Swampscott Yacht Club was founded in 1933 for the purpose of promoting yachting and sailboat racing in Nahant Bay. Since its inception, the club has been located in the Swampscott Fish House on Fisherman's Beach, Swampscott. The Swampscott Yacht Club was incorporated on February 17, 1933, when Frederick W. Cook, Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, issued the certification of incorporation for the club to Richard B. MacFarland and a group of 69 others, including Sidney T. Doane. The Forward to the club's original by-laws stated its Principal Purpose: "It is intended to give every encouragement to boys who are interested in the handling of sailing craft, and in order to make it easy for them to become members of the Club, their dues have been set at $2.00 annually, without requirement of any entrance fee. They remain junior members until they are 17 years old, when they automatically become Senior Members even though the Membership List is full at that time."--Swampscott Yacht Club web site
Title provided by cataloger
Institution: Swampscott Public Library
Massachusetts -- Essex (county) -- Swampscott
Humphrey Street (Swampscott, Mass.)
Yacht clubs
Bergen, Ed
Boynton, Raymond
Dunwoody, King
Dunwoody, Barber
Keho, Blaine, Jr.
Mason, Forrest
Howes, Alan
Hatfield, Dick
Rowen, Tom
Gowell, Bill
Breed, Alan
Coyle, Charlie
Keiser, Oggie
White, George
Moyes, Rhet
Maree, Kenneth
Still image
1 photograph : b&w
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