Grand Army of the Republic
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Grand Army of the Republic
Members of the Grand Army of the Repbulic (GAR) pose in uniform and with flags in front of the Swampscott train station. Pictured are: Elmer Thomas, drummer, William Gardner, Eldrige Blaney, Joe Glass, Eben Martin, Orlando Pinkham, William Earp, Ed Marsh, John I. Adams, William Fay, George Connor, unidentified, James Alger, Peleg Gardner, Charles Rodrick, George Newhall, unidentified, Orlando Millett.
Title provided by cataloger
Institution: Swampscott Public Library
Massachusetts -- Essex (county) -- Swampscott
Thomas, Elmer
Gardner, William
Blaney, Eldrige
Glass, Joe
Martin, Eben
Pinkham, Orlando
Earp, William
Marsh, Ed
Adams, John I.
Fay, WIlliam
Connor, George
Alger, James
Gardner, Peleg
Rodrick, Charles
Newhall, George
Millett, Orlando
Grand Army of the Republic. Department of Massachusetts.
Still image
1 photograph : b&w
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