Cochran Bird Sanctuary Bobby Thompson Pond
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Cochran Bird Sanctuary Bobby Thompson Pond
This pond was made into a swimming hole in 1942 and was named for Robert Torrey Thompson, P. A. Class of 1936, who died in a training accident as a member of the Army Air Corps April 9, 1941. It was called the Bobby Thompson Pond and its sandy beach was constructed using sand from Crane's Beach in Ipswich. In 1955, a hot dry summer caused the school to stop pumping fresh water into the pond and it became contaminated and was closed to swimming. This view is from the spillway going from the Bobby Thompason Pond down to the Duck Pond.
Institution: Phillips Academy Andover
Massachusetts--Essex (county)--Andover
Sprattler, Timothy
Andover, Mass. : Phillips Academy
Communications Department Phillips Academy
Thompson, Robert Torrey
Cochran, Moncrieff Mitchell, 1879-1931
Phillips Academy
School grounds
Natural areas
Moncrieff Cochran Sanctuary
still image
1 photograph : digital, JPEG file, color
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