Pearson Hall Comes to Rest
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Pearson Hall Comes to Rest
Pearson Hall began its existence as Bartlet Hall and later Bartlet Chapel. Completed in 1818 for the Theological School, it originally sat between what is now Bartlet Hall (second version) and Foxcroft Hall (originally called Phillips Hall). The large clock tower was added 1875, and the original cupola was restored in 1922 after it was moved to its present site. The final preparations are done and the building is shown from the south side with the new version of the old cupola in place
Institution: Phillips Academy Andover
Massachusetts--Essex (county)--Andover
Andover, Mass. : Phillips Academy
Communications Department Phillips Academy
Pearson Hall Photograph File
Pearson Hall (Phillips Academy)
Phillips Academy
School buildings
still image
1 photograph : b&w
14 x 9 cm
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