Cochran Bird Sanctuary Log Cabin
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Cochran Bird Sanctuary Log Cabin
The Log Cabin was built in 1931 and was hoped to be a gathering place for undergraduates to go camping. It was constructed with large hand hewn logs from Nashua NH, and had one large room with a fireplace. It was stocked with beds, blankets and camping equipment. It had putting greens for the amusement of the campers, but did not catch on with the boys. It is now used largely for faculty/alumni events.
Institution: Phillips Academy Andover
Massachusetts--Essex (county)--Andover
Andover, Mass. : Phillips Academy
Communications Department Phillips Academy
Sanctuary Photograph File
Phillips Academy
School grounds
Cochran, Moncrieff Mitchell, 1879-1931
Moncrieff Cochran Sanctuary
Natural areas
still image
1 photograph : b&w
26 x 20 cm
- Media