Cochran Bird Sanctuary Fuess Memorial
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Cochran Bird Sanctuary Fuess Memorial
This is a memorial to Claude Moore Fuess, the tenth Headmaster of the school and a member of the English Faculty. Located off the main path but on a nature trail, the stone bench and the view of the swimming pond and the duck pond has provided a quiet place for hikers to rest and reflect upon the natural surroundings. The somewhat hidden nature trail, bench and stone images will help you identify the area. Vand als have removed the plaque.
Institution: Phillips Academy Andover
Massachusetts--Essex (county)--Andover
Sprattler, Timothy
Andover, Mass. : Phillips Academy
Communications Department Phillips Academy
Fuess, Claude Moore, 1885-1963
Cochran, Moncrieff Mitchell, 1879-1931
School grounds
Phillips Academy
Natural areas
Moncrieff Cochran Sanctuary
still image
1 photograph : digital, JPEG file, color
- Media