Cochran Bird Sanctuary Fuess Memorial
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Cochran Bird Sanctuary Fuess Memorial
This is a memorial to Claude Moore Fuess, the tenth Headmaster of the school and a member of the English Faculty. Located off the main path but on a nature trail, the stone bench and the view of the swimming pond and the duck pond has provided a quiet place for hikers to rest and reflect upon the natural surroundings. The somewhat hidden nature trail, bench and stone images will help you identify the area. This is a view from the west side of the bench looking towards the duck pond.
Institution: Phillips Academy Andover
Massachusetts--Essex (county)--Andover
Sprattler, Timothy
Andover, Mass. : Phillips Academy
Communications Department Phillips Academy
Fuess, Claude Moore, 1885-1963
School grounds
Phillips Academy
Cochran, Moncrieff Mitchell, 1879-1931
Natural areas
Moncrieff Cochran Sanctuary
still image
1 photograph : digital, JPEG file, color
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