COVID Chronicles with Chief Tom Griffin
On today's episode of COVID Chronicles, Josiah talks with Chief Tom Griffin from the Peabody Police. -
Black Lives Matter protest
This video documents the "Black Lives Matter" demonstration that occurred in the center of Peabody on June 5, 2020(?). Speakers who addressed the crowd included several members of the community including: Fowaz Abusharkh, Heidy Salama, Gigi Rodriguez, Andrew Sentongo, Ryan Machado,Malika MacDonald, Sasha Ramos, Rev. Dr. Andre Bennett. Angus Mcquilken and Jamie Zahlaway-Belsito, both candidates in the primary election for the Massachusetts Sixth Congressional District, also spoke at the event. -
Solemnity of St. John the Baptist graduation class of 2020, June 24, 2020
This video documents the graduation ceremony of the eighth-grade class of 2020 of the Solemnity of St. John the Baptist School in Peabody, Mass. This event took place at the St. John the Baptist Church on June 24, 2020. -
Higgins Middle School class of 2020 moving on ceremony
The Higgins Middle School Moving On ceremony took place remotely on 2020. The event was hosted by principal Todd Bucey and included remarks to the graduating class by Edward Bettencourt, Jr., Mayor of Peabody; Dr. Marc Kerble, interim Superintendent of the Peabody Public School System; and Peter Ginolfi, Associate Principal. Anthony Funari, National Junior Honor Society Advisor inducted 89 new members into the Society. Mr. Bucey announced winners of academic awards and Mr. Ginolfi read the names of each member of the class, while their class portraits were displayed. -
Senior parade PVMHS class of 2020 : May 22, 2020
This video documents the Peabody Veterans Memorial High School senior parade, hosted by and with commentary by PATV correspondent Cameron King of PATV. -
COVID Chronicles with Day & Phil
In Episode 9 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with our members Day and Phil. They are the creators of the Eat Drink Explore podcast. Check out their podcast on our website: -
COVID Chronicles with Nate Gravel
In Episode 6 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Nate Gravel from Gravoc to discuss Security Awareness and how it's been altered during the COVID-19 pandemic. -
COVID Chronicles with Lisa Love
In Episode 1 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Lisa Love from the Lisa Love Experience band. -
COVID Chronicles with Carolyn Wynn
In Episode 4 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Carolyn Wynn from the Peabody Council on Aging. -
COVID Chronicles with Michael Duval
In Episode 8 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Michael Duval from A Cleaner Tomorrow. -
COVID Chronicles with Corey Jackson
In Episode 5 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Corey Jackson from Citizens Inn. Please go to to donate or if you are seeking assistance during this time. -
COVID Chronicles with Jessica Bartlett
In Episode 2 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Jessica Bartlett, a reporter at the Boston Business Journal. -
COVID Chronicles with Alex & Lilly
In Episode 3 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with two of our former work study students, Lilly and Alex, who were forced to move out of college in the middle of their freshman year. -
COVID Chronicles with John Andrews
In Episode 7 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with John Andrews from Creative Collective. For more information on resources for the creative economy, check out: -
COVID Chronicles with John Nguyen
In Episode 11 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with John Nguyen from Maki Sushi Bar & Grill. -
COVID Chronicles with Michael Ahearn
In Episode 10 of COVID Chronicles, Josiah sat down with Michael Ahearn from the Peabody Library. Michael has been 3D printing masks to assist our Department of Public Services. -
George Peabody House
George Peabody House. Picket fence in front of house. Telegraph wires running down street. Unhitched carriage in yard before carriage house. -
Triple Decker, 1912
Peabody Triple Decker Apartment Building. Telegraph wires in photo, people before building. Vacant lot across street. -
Cider Mill
Peabody Cider Mill. Seen at railroad crossing two shingled buildings with trees. Dirt Road. Cider Mill in photograph could be in one of two locations, The Corner of Lowell and Newbury or the corner of Lowell and Prospect Street (Proctor's Crossing). The Cider Mill at the corner of Lowell and Newbury was owned by Joseph S. Needham. The Mill at Proctor's Crossing was owned by Charles S. Emmerton in 1888-9 or by Augustine L. Babbidge in 1899. Both were near railroad tracks. -
1899 Baseball Team
Peabody baseball team. Eleven men in photo, five sitting in mismatching uniforms in front, six men standing behind them, four in uniforms, two in suits and hats. Two men hold baseball bats, one wears a catching glove. Fence and Telegraph pole in rear of photo. -
Congregational Church
Peabody Center with Congregational Church at middle with Civil War Monument before it. Church burned down in 19--. Carriages and trolleys in picture, as well as crisscrossing telegraph wires. -
Peabody City Hall
Peabody City Hall in center of photo. To left is the Peter O'Neil Boots, Shoes & Rubbers Store. Telegraph wire visible, as well as several people walking. To left, before store is blurred image of carriage going by. -
Cornfield, Brown Farm
Brown Farm. Corn field where young man stands. Box of picked corn at his feet. -
Brown Farm
Brown Farm. Corn field where corn stalks are stacked in shorn field with man looking at one of them. Two houses are in the background. -
Center School
Center School. Thirty children standing before the doorway of the school. -
Interior of George Jacobs Store
George H. Jacobs, Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher Store. Interior of Store. Boxed shirts on display, folded pants behind it. -
Exterior of George Jacobs Store
George H. Jacobs, Clothier, Hatter and Furnisher Store. Exterior of Store where three men stand in doorway. Before store is hitching post and fire hydrant. -
Peabody fire chief
Fire Chief Thomas F. Murray, date uncertain. -
Peabody fire department
Peabody Fire Department, 1896. 10 Firemen standing before horse-drawn fire truck with one fireman in truck. Standing before doors of fire department, Steamer 1, Hook & Ladder 1. Wearing white belts. -
Peabody fire department
Peabody Fire Department, 1896. 16 Firemen are standing before horse-drawn fire truck. One fireman is sitting on truck. All are standing to have their picture taken before the fire department, Steamer 1, Hook & Ladder 1. Two white horses are hitched to truck and to the right are several onlookers. -
Shipping and Sorting Room
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Shipping and Sorting Room at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. Six men are in the photo. On the right is a pen notation, Jack Barrett or Quarters Barrett, Peabody, a great leatherman. -
Embossing press
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting "Embossing Press" at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Seasoning room (blacks)
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Seasoning Room (Blacks) at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Seasoning room (colors)
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Seasoning Room (Colors) at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Graining Department
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Graining Department at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Mixing Room
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Mixing Room at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. Also in pen, notation saying Pigments and Finishes and Isaac Baril, Chemist. -
Buffing room
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Buffing Room at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. Also in pen, notation saying Louis Altshuler, Boss Buffer and a good one. -
Tacking loft
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Tacking Loft at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts. In pen is the notation, Barney Boyarsky, Peabody; Boss Tacker and a good one. -
Staking department
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Staking Department at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts. There are six men in the photo and in ball point pen is the notation, Cornelius McGrath, deceased. Father of Mayor McGrath, Peabody. -
Dry loft
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Dry Loft at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts. -
Coloring wheels
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting Coloring Wheels at the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. Also in pen with an arrow pointing to one of the men is a note John Leach, now of Leach & Heckell, Salem. -
Splitting Dept.
Black and white photograph with ball point pen noting the Splitting Department at the Boston Mat Leather Factory, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Coloring Room
Coloring Room at the Boston Mat Leather Factory, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. In ball point pen is the notation, Coloring Room. -
Press Room
Black and white photograph of the Press Room of the Boston Mat Leather Factory, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Tan House
Black and white photograph of the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Mass., 1918. Photo has ball point pen notation saying Tan House. -
Beam House
Black and white photograph from the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. In ball point pen is noted Beam House. -
Engine Room
Black and white photograph from the Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. In ball point pen is written D. Millmore, Engineer. Engine Room. -
Men around desk
Black and white photograph of office at Boston Mat Leather Company, Peabody, Massachusetts, 1918. -
Men in office
Black and white photograph of three men in Boston Mat Leather Factory office, 1918. -
Boston Mat Leather Company
Black and white photograph of the Boston Mat Leather Company at 34 Walnut St., Peabody in 1918. In Ball point pen are notations: W. F. Manning (smudged), George J. Laemlle, Morris Cohen, Owners. Wm. F. Johnston, Sales Mgr. -
Oak Hill Gardens
Oak Hill driveway leading to estate Shows old oak tree that was the reason for the estate's name -
Oak Hill Tree
Oak Hill Tree, somewhere between 1880 and 1922 -
Oak Hill, stairs
Oak Hill estate, stairs -
Oak Hill gardens
Oak Hill driveway leading to estate -
Oak Hill garden
Oak Hill Garden -
Oak Hill Gardens
Oak Hill garden -
Oak Hill Gardens
Oak Hill formal garden with sundial -
Oak Hill Gardens
Oak Hill gardens -
Oak Hill gardens
Oak Hill garden with fountain -
Drawing room fireplace
Drawing Room Fireplace -
Oak Hill gardens
Oak Hill entrance -
Oak Hill entrance
Oak Hill Entrance -
Entrance to Oak Hill Estate
Entrance to Oak Hill Estate -
Oak Hill gardens
Oak Hill driveway -
Oak Hill gardens
Oak Hill front hall, doorway and stairs; note detail of newel and twisted balusters and carved basket over the door -
Oak Hill estate, morning room door
Morning room door in Oak Hill estate -
Oak Hill estate, drawing room door
Drawing room door in Oak Hill estate -
Oak Hill dairy
Oak Hill Dairy; could be John Greenwood in photo; he and his wife were caretakers of the farm as far back as the 1880's to its sale in 1922 -
Oak Hill Farm
Oak Hill Farm -
Oak Hill estate, outside window
Detail of outside window at Oak Hill estate -
Oak Hill Rogers Estate
Oak Hill, Rogers Estate -
Oak Hill Estate
Oak Hill Estate -
Oak Hill Estate
Oak Hill Estate -
Detail of stairs, newel and twisted balusters at Oak Hill