CREW Poets reading their original poems, based on historical artifacts from our museum, at the Library. Bergman Room
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CREW Poets reading their original poems, based on historical artifacts from our museum, at the Library. Bergman Room
CREW Poets. Chelsea, Revere, Everett & Winthrop Waterfront Poets.
From left- Katrina Donovan, Renee Pike, Allen Swartz, Patricia Tacelli, Louis Picciuolo, Esther Fich, Anthony Majahad and Tim McCarthy
Institution: Winthrop Public Library and Museum
Massachusetts--Suffolk (county)--Winthrop
Wallace, Diane
Chelsea, Revere, Everett & Winthrop Waterfront Poets.
Donovan, Katrina
Pike, Renee
Swartz, Allen
Tacelli, Patricia
Picciuolo, Louis
Fich, Esther
Majahad, Anthony
McCarthy, Tim
still image
Humans of Winthrop
Winthrop Public Library & Museum
Winthrop, MA
- Item sets
- Humans of Winthrop 2016
- Media
wallace 9.jpg