Streets of Winthrop

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Streets of Winthrop


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  • H. T. Whitman Civil Engineer & Surveyor, 85 Devonshire Street, Boston
    Mr. Floyd, Dear Sir, I have examined the record of the County Commissioners for 1875 and find that they relocated Revere St. in common with Winthrop St., Pleasant St., Shirley St., and Main St. and the description is on file and agrees with the information that we have used for line of Revere St. at the point in question where Wadsworth is building. Description refers to plan of Geo. Wadsworth but does not say where that plan is supposed to be. Yours etc, Channing Howard
  • Traffic on Winthrop Street, 1910
    A phot taken around 1910 on Winthrop Street at the Corner of Jefferson Street, with the Masonic Building near the right side.