Stoneham Oral History Project: World War I
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Stoneham Oral History Project: World War I
1 sound file (50 minutes), digital, MPEG3 file
Click to play:OH 88
This interview includes the following topics: Fred Barnes served overseas from the Fall of 1917 until May of 1919. He carried ammunition by horse and wagon to the front lines in France. Mr. Barnes served in many battles with fierce shelling near his ammunition wagon. United States troops were detained in France after the WWI concluded because of the 1918-1919 influenza epidemic.
Originally issued on sound cassettes
Institution: Stoneham Public Library
Massachusetts--Middlesex (county)--Stoneham
Barnes, Edward J.
Schultz, Maxine G.
Stoneham, Mass. : Stoneham Public Library
World War, 1914-1918
Barnes, Edward J.
Influenza epidemic, 1918-1919
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
1 audio disc (50 minutes)
4 3/4 in.
- Item sets
- Stoneham Oral History Collection
- Media