Stoneham Oral History Project: Boys & Girls Club
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Stoneham Oral History Project: Boys & Girls Club
2 sound files (26 minutes), digital, MPEG3 file
Click to play:OH 78 Part 1OH 78 Part 2
This interview includes the following topics: In 1962, the Stoneham Jaycees, a local community service organization determined the need for what was then called a Boys' Club. Fundraising began, committees were established and a $100,00 Hayden Foundation Grant was obtained. Official documents established the Boys' Club on January 22, 1965. The 1969 Town Meeting deeded land on Dale Court to the Club for $1. On April 25, 1970, the ground breaking ceremony occurred in Recreation Park. This was given to the Club as a memorial to WWII veterans. The Club was completed and dedicated in 1973. Cameron Bain was the first President.
Originally issued on sound cassettes
Institution: Stoneham Public Library
Massachusetts--Middlesex (county)--Stoneham
Bain, Cameron
Stoneham, Mass. : Stoneham Public Library
Boys & Girls Club (Stoneham, Mass.)
Jaycees (Stoneham, Mass.)
Bain, Cameron
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
1 audio disc (26 minutes)
4 3/4 in.
- Item sets
- Stoneham Oral History Collection
- Media