A Prayer for soldiers
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A Prayer for soldiers
"A Prayer for Soldiers. O God, I beseech Thee, watch over the souls of those who are exposed to the horrors of war, and to the spiritual dangers peculiar to a Soldier's life. Give them such strong faith that no human respect may ever lead them to deny it, or fear to practice it, and do Thou by Thy grace fortify them against the contagion of bad example, that being preserved from vice and serving Thee faithfully, they may be ready to meet death whenever it may arrive. Through Jesus Christ, Our Lord, Amen. "Mother of God, be with them on the battlefield during life and at the hour of death, and obtain for them that they may die in the grace of Thy Son. Amen. "May their Guardian Angel bless and protect them. Amen."
Institution: Salem Public Library
Kieran, James
ca. 1917-1919
No copyright restriction.
1 sheet, 9.5 x 8 cm.
- Item sets
- Salem in World War I - Kieran Collection
- Media