Record of the parish list of deaths. 1785-1819
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Record of the parish list of deaths. 1785-1819
"This Parish List of Deaths, recorded by Rev. William Bentley during his ministry in Salem, has been prepared and edited by Mr. Ira J. Patch, of Salem, the well-known genealogist. Mr. Bentley was an eminent scholar, a zealous antiquarian, a revered and honored minister, and indefatigably industrious in collecting and recording anjiihing relating to his studies, his pursuits, his parish and his life. He was born in Boston, June 22, 1759 ; a graduate of Harvard in the class of 1777, and from which he received the honorary degree of D.D., in 1819, ordained over the East church and society in Salem, 1783. Died Dec. 29, 1819." From the Introduction.
Institution: Salem Public Library
Bentley, William, 1759-1819
Patch, Ira J.
2 p.l., 177 p. 25 x 16 cm.
Salem, Printed for the Essex institute, 1882.
No copyright restrictions.
Registers of births, etc.--Salem, Mass.
East Church
William Bentley
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- Salem Local History Books
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