Bird Feeding
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Bird Feeding
This is a photo of my 8-year-old daughter on a very cold windy day in April feeding a chickadee in Topsfield at the Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary. My 3 children and their friends were all holding out their hands filled with bird seed with such patience in hopes that a bird would land to eat. It was magical to watch countless little birds land in their hands to steal a sunflower seed. This photo captures how important the connection with nature has been for our family during this
year. We found such joy taking our new dog on new walks and hikes in ALL kinds of weather, where we discovered wildlife, from turtles to possums; found heart rocks and wishing rocks; collected pinecones or walking sticks; identified trees, including beech trees where there was evidence that black bears had visited them; found waterfalls or beautiful mountain streams; or discovered evidence that humans once lived there in the form of old foundations, walls, or chimneys. It was outside, in nature, where we felt comfortable convening with other masked friends and family, and where we made new friends (yes, we even
made new friends!). And it was in nature where we found peace, comfort, and joy, and released some of the anxiety that this year brought. We have always loved the outdoors, but this year has renewed our connection with the natural world in a way that we know will continue after we have returned to a new normal.
Institution: Reading Public Library
Hillery, Jennifer Cummings, Esq.
Cummings Hillery, Esq., Jennifer
April, 2020
Reading Public Library
Birds -- Feeding and feeds
still image
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- Time On Our Hands
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