Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Davison, Peter
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Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Davison, Peter
2 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview:Thoreau, Ann Bradstreet, Longfellow, Lucy Larcom, John Berryman, Maria Dodge, Chales Manning Falt, James Davis William, Viughan Moody, Horace Gregory, Charles Olson, Eudora Welty, Herbert Kenney, Samuel Eliot Morrison, T.S. Eliot, John Malcolm Brinnin, Robert Lowell, James Dickey, Vincent Ferrini, Haskell's Mill.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interview Date:7/14/1980
TRACKS:Lecture - Sea, Sky, and Stone: The Poetry of Cape Ann.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Davison, Peter, Interviewee
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Poetry of places
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
1 sound disc : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.
- Item sets
- Gloucester Oral History Collection