Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : McEwan, Larry


Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : McEwan, Larry
3 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview:Pacific Marine Supply Company (Seattle), Amesbury Dory, Standard Gas Engine Company, L.D. Lothrop, & Sons (Frank and Leon), Standard Gas Deisel, Master Mariners, Wetherell's Drug Store, Marty Welch, Norman Ross, Jeff Thomas, Sol Jacobs, Johnny Matheson, Strings, Robertson Giffin, Rupe Camerson, Atlas Engine, Alameda California, Bessemer Gas Engline, Delly Allen, Scotty Madden, Angus McLeod, Herbert Allen, Lignuite wood for stern bearings, Grove City Pennsylvania, solid fuel injection, Varian Extrion, Gurry Beacon Marine, The Adventure, Alden O'Hara Fleet, mainsail, four lowers, topsail, spars, foresail, Herb Winiber, Lady of the LAke, water boats, Binnacles, Stick n' Tommy, pike pole, Delco, forecastle, conduit, duplex, Bay State, Gorton Pew, Frank Pierce, Cunningham & Thompson, Trawling, Captain Eric Carlson, The RIo Doro, Albine Perreira, The GOlden Eagle, CaptainJohn Murley, The Kingfisher, Ben Curcuru, General Seafoods, 50-50lay, Boston Lay, Larry Alphen, 40-60 lay, Dragger Lay, 40 crew, 60 vessel, Admiral Guygax, Captain Herbster, The Blow (now the Curlew), Georges Bank, Le Havre, Little Le Havre, Stellwagen, Ernest Parsons, The Channel Express, Norman Ross, The Mother Ann, Ben Pine, Benjamin C. Story's Yard, Walter Davis, Dow Diesel (Dow Pump and Diesel Engline Company), American Society of Naval Engineers, Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Broken trip, slop chest.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer: Linda Brayton (8/30/1978);Interviewer(s):Linda Brayton
TRACKS: CD 135: Mr. McEwen's background, work at Pacific Marine Supply Co., move to Gloucester -- Master Mariners, Fishermen's Institute, distance kept between captain and crew -- Power and sail, type of engines developed -- Work with L. D. Lothrop & Sons and Standard Gas Engine Co., work with Bessemer Gas Engine Co. - Atlas engines -- Air injection engine and solid injection engine explained, diesel and gas engines explained, first Atlas engine Mr. McEwen installed -- Change-over from sail to power, Mr. McEwen's part in powering the Gloucester fleet -- Depression had little effect on engine industry -- Effect of depression on fishing industry and on engine sales (cont'd), cost of fishing vessels, Mr. McEwen's fleet, union activity in fisheries, Mr. McEwen's fleet (cont'd.)-- Mr. McEwen's memberships in The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers and The American Society of Marine Engineers, work in military -- Changes in design of fishing vessels with the advent of power, many boats sold to Newfoundland and Nova Scotia -- Two fleets - salt-fishermen and fresh-fishermen, fishing grounds, Ernest Parsons and The Channel Express made three trips a week -- Advantages of power enumerated, improvements in engine continue to be made -- Harbor pollution -- Change to power necessitated change in the structure of vessels -- Settlement books - accounts of ship's finances -- CD 136: Ship's finances (cont'd), fisherman's pay.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
McEwan, Larry, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Oral history
Seafaring life
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
2 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.