Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Anastas, Peter


Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Anastas, Peter
4 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview: Boulevard Sweet Shop, Johnny Morgan's Candy Kitchen, Robert Creeley, The Distances, Gregory Corso, Allen Tate, Waiting Station, Popprioception, Call me Ismael, Black Mountain College, Origin, Joe Jeswald, Montserrat School of Visual Arts, Harry Marin and Brown's Department Store, George Butterick, Vincent Ferrini, Kalman Kubinyi, Denise Levertov, Ezra Pound, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Theodore Roethke, Aune's Yarn Shop, William Carlos Williams, Albert Alcaylay, Corrado Cagli, Jargon Corinth Publishers, Gallery 7, Jonathan Bayliss, Buffalo State University, F.O. Mathiesson, Four Winds, Evergreen Review, Allen Ginsberg, John Crowe Ransom, John Berryman, National Butchers, Human Universe, Bottege Oscure, Peter Denser, Fairview Inn, Brother Antoninus, John Keyes, Vincent Castagnacci, Harvey Brown, John Wievers, Jack Hammond, Peter Kaiser, James F. Mayor, Kenner's book on Pound, Frontier Press, Freidt Thorpe, Old Riggs House, Bob Gibbons, Herb Kenney, Hugh Kenner and the Pound era, Panna Grady, Charles Boer, Steve Scotti, Barbara Gale, Paul Kenyon.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer(s):Gregory Gibson (6/12/1978).
TRACKS:CD 99:Anastas's history -- Rocky Neck, artists, culture -- Anastas's initial meeting with Olson and wife initial impressions -- Olson's conversation -- The Olsons' early years in Gloucester -- Italian post war intellectuals -- The Ferrinis, Gloucester's reaction to politics -- Gallery 7, reading -- John Keyes -- Jonathan Bayliss -- Nights at Olson's apartment -- Anastas's mother's impression of Olson, politics in the '50's -- Nights at Olson's apartment at Fort Square -- Olson's reaction to politics -- Olson and Ferrini -- Betty Olson -- Black Mountain style -- Olson as a model -- Black Mountain mystique -- Father figures to Anastas -- Friday and Saturday nights at Olson's -- Bayliss and Olson -- Olson's influence locally -- Olson as teacher -- Olson and Anastas -- CD 100: Olson in Gloucester after wife's death -- Tuft's reading -- Difference in Olson's later years -- Olson's politics in Gloucester -- Olson as American literary intellectual -- Olson's discouragement with Gloucester -- life of the mind in Gloucester after Olson's death -- Later parties, late '60s -- Olsonian Principles -- After he died it all fell apart -- Black Mountain Style -- I'm still trying to move away from that -- Olson in the last years of his life -- Olson's thinking -- Olson's effect on Gloucester -- Olson as an activist in Gloucester -- Olson as an activist in Gloucester, later discouragement -- Olson and Butterick -- Olson on Fort Square, Olson's behavior -- Betty Olson -- Anastas's last meeting with Olson -- Olson's funeral, Betty Olson's funeral -- Peter Smith, Charles Olson, Joe Garland, John J. Babson.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Anastas, Peter, Interviewee
Gibson, Gregory, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Olson, Charles, 1910-1970
Greek Americans
Authors -- Interviews
Artist colonies
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
2 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.