Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Lundberg, Paul and Elizabeth
Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Lundberg, Paul and Elizabeth
2 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview: Nana and Nels Falk, Pung, Andrew Cedarstromn, Charlie Swanson, Tyngsboro, Litghia, GA, Otto Anderson, Cape Ann Anchor & Forge, Co.,The Hedges, Rockport Paving Block Co., Ivar Carlson, Andrew Jacobs, Gustav Norman, John Johnson, Wainola Hall, John Martin, Gus Larson, Andrew Johnson, Fitzgibbon's Quarry, Ostrovallgaten, Arvard E. Eliason, Lynn Burdett College, Gov. Dukakis, Capt. Carl Olsen, Highliners, Persson (Pers), Barnen Club, Louis Johnson, Peter Swanson, Gus Johnson, Milford, N.G., Rockport Granite Company, J. Leonard Johnson, Varberg, Henry F. Long, Sumner Tunnel, Christopher Nilsen, Capt. John Streem, Spiran Lodge, Skane.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer(s):Linda Brayton (5/8/1978).
TRACKS:Mrs. Lundberg's background, growing up in Lanesville, parent's emigration from Sweden, purchase of property on Langsford St. -- Trip to Swedish Lutheran Church in Pigeon Cove, Mrs. Lundberg's mother established a Swedish Sunday School in Lanesville's Wainola Hall, Swedish families in Lanesville -- Mr. Lundberg's background, emigration from Sweden in 1910, his early years in U.S.A., reasons for coming to U.S.A. -- . Lundberg tells of visit to Sweden -- Mr. Lundberg's employment - initially as a paving cutter and, after furthering his education, as an inspector -- Mr. Lundberg's work as an assessor in City Hall -- Mrs. Lundberg's business running tourist house - The Hedges, work as clerk for Lanesville Congregational Church -- Work as granite company inspector on Sumner Tunnel -- Outstanding Scandinavian people in the community (i.e. Leonard Johnson, Capt. Carl Olson, Capt. John Streem and Capt. Andrew Jacobs) -- Swedish system of choosing names -- Swedish names (cont'd.), Family Swedish Bible -- Mr. Lundberg's paper entitled My Personal Knowledge of The History of Spiran Lodge Number 98 - Vasa Order of American -- Swedish celebrations, valuing hard work is common to Swedish people -- Scandinavian Fraternity and Scandinavian Grove, Spiran Lodge - Lundbergs have been members since 1910 and 1912, membership, children's club - Barnes Club -- Swedish costumes.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Lundberg, Paul, Interviewee
Lundberg, Elizabeth Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Swedish Americans
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
1 sound disc : digital, stereo