Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Ranta, Alexandra


Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Ranta, Alexandra
3 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview:Hongajoki, porinja Turan Laari, American Sanomat, Pohjan Tahti, Hankoniemi, White, Judge York, Sampo Raittus Seura Hall, Gus Hellsburg, Savinen, Huttinen, Fred Corliss, New York News, Raivaja, Liverpool, Cunard, Rogers Brothers, Valon leimo Hall, Hyvonen, Matti Belander, Pastor Kuusisto, Perkins and Corliss, New Yorkin UUtiset, Eteenpain (Forward), Cimrick, Lempi, Mr.s Hilda Mattson, Gus Abrahamson, Jacob Walima, Seawood Inn, Edward Emil Ranta, Toiva Niemi, Toimias Suomista, Sota Laivat (warships), Edwin Ericson, Ilmi, Theresa York, Mr.s & Mrs. Matti Niemi, Maynard Cooperative Store, Mills, Hathaway.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians.
TRACKS: CD91: Mrs. Ranta's background, parents went to U.S. but Mrs. Ranta stayed in Finland until age 16 to finish Confirmation School (1905)-- Relations between Finland and Russia Mrs. Ranta's recollections re: Russo-Finnish war in 1939 - war atrocities committed against the Finnish, war relief efforts in U.S.A. -- Temperance Society activities, Gloucester's Main Street at midnight on a Saturday night - early 1900's -- Finnish publications, articles for New Yorkin Uutiset on Rockport and Lanesville by Mrs. Ranta and Mrs. Ray -- Trip to U.S.A. from Finland in 1905, story of stolen dress in Liverpool, description of Liverpool -- Changes seen in Rockport over the years - bathrooms and gas lights, language barrier - story of gas lights -- Homesickness on trip to U.S. -- Homesickness (cont'd.), arrival in Maynard, Mass., first home was next to the railroad tracks, separation from relatives in Finland, meeting and marrying Mr. Ranta -- Temperance halls in Rockport, Ranta's Market -- Flu of 1918, etc. -- Ranta's Market (cont'd.), rationing during war, groceries on credit during the winter, coming to know people through running a business -- CD:92: Mrs. Ranta's son develops Ranta's Market in Lanesville -- Crafts - weaving -- Cooperative stores - a Finnish institution, feelings on politics, religion and life in U.S.A. -- First impressions of U.S. - the 9:00 PM curfew and the woolen mills, Rockport compared to Finland, Main Street of Gloucester -- First employment - work as a domestic, kitchen English.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Ranta, Alexandra, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Finnish Americans
Oral history
Emigration and immigration
Manners and customs
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
2 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.