Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Purington, Ellison
Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Purington, Ellison
7 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview: Pierce, Guantanamo Bay, David Sarnoff, Marconi, Slide-wire tuner, Mrs. Witham, President Howell, Mrs. Kline, Fred Reynolds, Irene Reynojlds, Point Radio, Elizabeth Stewart, Mr. Buswell, Stillington hall, Joe Garland, Birdseye, Gardner, Cheryl Maude, Robinson Girl, Cruft laboratories, Tremulo, Telegraphy, Frequency modulation, Armstrong , fortissiomo, piano, Lowenstein, pianissimo, Chaffe, Buswell, Gugenheim, forte,Albert Tenner, Alfred Goldsmith, Virgil Fox, Stokowsky, Ramon Navarro, I.E.E.E. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), Mathematics 10, the docket, Iturbi, Alexanderson, Crift Laboratories, Gen Sarnoff, super terodine, Ethel Barrymore, Joseph Hoffman, Fessenden, Lee DeForest, Elsasser,Calloway, Miessner, Clog,Russell Fisher, Codman.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer(s):Linda Brayton and Richard Mateja (5/5/1978).
TRACKS: CD 75a 1. Formal education, class standing at Bowdoin College, ethical teachings of pure science, commencement address, beliefs on heredity and DNA -- 2. Nation Bureau of Stndards and Employment, recommendation for and acceptance of employment with Hammond -- 3. Guantanamo Bay work by Hammond -- 4. Arrival in Gloucester -- 5. Hammonds, will, location of material related to Hammond, photo of museum given to David Sarnoff -- 6. Slide, wire tuner in museum, transmitter -- 7. Early work of Hammond Museum, Institute of Radio Engineers, critique of first set of papers for Institute of Radio Engineers -- 8. Bell papers belittling work of Hammond, papers accusing Hammond of stealing patents, Medal of Honor for Hammond and honorary doctorate degree for Purington, recommendation by Alexander Graham Bell -- 9. Working relations with Hammond -- 10. Published papers on Hammond -- 11.Work with navy -- 12. Reasons for working with Hammond -- 13. Hammond as an eligible bachelor, reputation with women, Hammond's courtship, cost of divorce of Irene Reynolds -- 14. Point Radio house, Buswell and Stillington Hall, Elizabeth Steward, Mrs. Gardner of Boston, Birdseye, plays of Buswell at Point Radio -- 15. First project with Hammond had to do with equipment for Navy Dept., ship and plane communication -- 16. FM communication, an explanation, FM in telegraphy -- 17. Television -- 18. Armstrong's suicide explained -- 19. Practice of FM -- 20. Armstrong's contributions. Cd 75b 1. J. H. Hammond's hearing ability ,anecdote -- 2. Inventions by Hammond and Purington, patent rights, Mr. Purington's first publication , the operation of the modular tube in radio telephone sets -- 3. Reasons for choosing to work for Hammond, staff at Hammond's Point Radio laboratory 4. Mr. Hammond's relationship with his parents . anecdotes on beginning his career and on his membership on board of managers for Institute of Radio Engineers, etc. --5. Hammond's role in the Institute of Radio Engineers (contd.). Cd 75c 1. Background work leading to Mr. Pu
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Purington, Ellison, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
Mateja, Richard, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Hammond, John Hays, 1888-1965
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
4 sound discs : digital, stereo