Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Martin, Tellervo
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Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Martin, Tellervo
2 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview: Seinajoki, Alvar Aalto, Tapaninpaiva, Long Friday, Lattulaatikko, Perunalaatikko, Jouluatorttuja, Eliel Saarinen, Lipiakala, Jouli, kinku.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer: Brayton, Linda(4/20/1978).
TRACKS: 1. Mrs. Martin's background, decision to marry and come to U.S.A., employment in Finland -- 2. Learning English, Finnish traditions and holidays, church, schools, Finnish government -- 3. Help with housing -- 4. Mrs. Martin's home town of Seinajoki, city's control of building standards, etc. -- 5. Learning language, customs, etc., U.S.A. and Finland compared, contrasted -- 6. Reasons for large wave of immigrants to U.S.A. at turn of century -- 7. Finnish architecture, crafts -- 8. Russo-Finnish war, women's liberation in Finland -- 9. Growing up in Finland -- 10. Women in the work force, in the home, etc. -- 11. Teaching daughter Finnish -- 12. Finnish classes run by Mrs. Martin -- 13. Traditional Finnish foods, especially for Christmas.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Martin, Tellervo, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Finnish Americans
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
1 sound disc : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.
- Item sets
- Gloucester Oral History Collection