Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Eustis, Harry


Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Eustis, Harry
4 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
Some names and terms used in this interview: Canso, Nova Scotia, Beam trawlers, The Elsie G. Sylvia, Highland Light, Pen boards, Herring, Hesperus, Jaws, The Esperanto, By the Wind, The Gertrude L. Thebaud, The Bluenose, The Mayflower, The Puritan, The Boothbay News, The Elsie, Gordon Thomas, The Henry Ford, Captain John Marshall, Fair wind, Jump the bar, The Ronald and Mary Jane, Captain Jim Tucker, Sable Island, Jack Farrell, Butterfish, pogies (porgies), Flounders, The Halifax Herald, The Columbia, Angus Walters, Ben Pine, The Saucy Gertie Fours lowers, Mainsail, Foresail Jumbo, Jib, Captain Ernest Parsons Lean-to, Lee, Shoal water
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer(s):Linda Brayton and David Masters (3/18/1978).
TRACKS:CD 33: 1. Mr. Eustis' background, beginnings in fishing, learning the trade, character of the fishermen in the 1920's -- 2. Close call on the Elsie G. Sylvia, stranded on shore with no belongings or money -- 3. Feelings about being a fisherman -- 4. Close call on the Ronald and Mary Jane -- 5. Experience as a cook aboard the ship, meals aboard ship -- 6. Feelings about Gloucester, especially as a port -- 7. Fisherman's Institute, comments on possibilities for fishing museum -- 8. Comments on fishing museum (cont'd) -- 9. Dogfish, the bane of fishermen -- 10. Sharks, dolphins -- 11. Whales, sand sharks -- 12. Marketing the catch. CD 34: 1. Beginnings of the races between the Canadians and Gloucestermen, preparing the ship, the Esperanto --2. The Bluenose compared to other vessels, race against the Bluenose --3. The last of the sailing races --4. Sailing the four lowers (using sail and small auxiliary engines) -- 5. The old sailing captains -- 6. Accidents aboard ship -- 7. Close call on the Louise B. Marshall -- 8. Close call on the Louise B. Marshall (cont'd) -- 9. Weather then and now, blizzards, hurricanes -- 10. Sable Island was the site of many shipwrecks -- 11. Anyone born on Sable Island can keep it, the story of an expectant mother's visit from her husband -- 12. Fishermen can't swim is it myth or truth -- 13. Nova Scotia and Gloucester -- 14. Beam and stern trawlers -- 15. The 200-mile limit and its drawbacks, Russian fishing trawlers -- 16. Trawling nets pick up everything.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Eustis, Harry, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
Masters, David, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Emigration and immigration
Fisherman's Institute (Gloucester, Mass.)
Oral history
Sailboat racing
Seafaring life
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
2 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.