Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Kenyon, Paul B.
Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Kenyon, Paul B.
2 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
Some names and terms used in this interview: Charlie Morton, Phillip Weld, Ottaway Newspapers, John Radcliffe, Edward Hicken, Newburyport News, Brown's Department Store, Fitz Hugh Lane, Cape Ann Historical Museum, Sargent-Murray Gilman Hough, Fair Harvard, Helen Farnum, Matheson, Clarence Birdseye, John Hayes Hammond, Jr., Roger Babson, Cape Ann Market, Charlie Low, Central Grammar Apartments, Don Minell, Kirk Noyes, Saletus (?), Mrs. Lena Novello, Open Church Foundation, Goose Cove tide grass, DeBeer's Mining Stock, Railcut Hill, Babson Cooperage Shop, Percy MacKaye, Pearce, Terminal morain.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer: Linda Brayton
TRACKS: 1. Mr. Kenyon's background, moving to Gloucester,beginning work at Gloucester Times, etc. 2. Comments on article about Mr. Kenyon's overcoming the effects of polio -- 3. Remarks on Gloucester Times ownerships, changes over the years, Mr. Kenyon's role -- 4. Changes in Gloucester with building of A. Piatt Andrew Bridge and Route 128 5. Gloucester as an insular and self-sufficient area, comments on the governing of Gloucester -- 6. Impact of newspaper on character of Gloucester, its role in community, effect of advertising, photography -- 7. Creativity in the air, feelings for Gloucester -- 8. Bridges, ferry -- 9. Mr. Kenyon's work on the Planning Board, zoning in Gloucester -- 10. Grant Traffic Circle businesses, Main Street businesses and shopping centers -- 11. Preservation of historical buildings -- 12. Development of art colony, museums, summer theatre of the past -- 13. WHDH's start in Gloucester, Coast Guard Aviation started on Ten Pound Island -- 14. Gloucester: port of great inventions -- 15. Birdseye's frozen food process, John Hayes Hammond, Jr. -- 16. Roger Babson Open Church Foundation, research on gravity and perpetual motion17 - Charitable work, cottage on Railcut Hill -- 18. Dogtown Commons, history and current status -- 19. Fisherman's Institute and the fishermen of Gloucester, history, role in community -- 20. U.S. government's stand regarding fishermen.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Gloucester Daily Times.
Kenyon, Paul B, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Fisherman's Institute (Gloucester, Mass.)
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
1 sound disc : digital, stereo