Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Gore, Ken
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Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Gore, Ken
4 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
Some names and terms used in this interview: Bitumen, Damar varnish, Mr. George Rich, Elvira, Illinois, A.T. Hibbard, Roger Curtis, Howard Curtis, A.T. Hubbard, Turpentine wash, Lubbock, Texas, Ben Stahl, Carl Peters, Emil Gruppe, Paul Strisik, Donald Stone.
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer: David Masters
TRACKS: CD 22 -- 1. Arrival in Gloucester, New England's attractions to the artist -- 2. Popular interest in art -- 3. Teaching -- 4. Technique -- 5. Outdoors as a subject and its difficulties -- 6. Stamp of individuality -- 7. Van Gogh -- 8. Van Gogh (cont'd) -- 9. Economics 10. Study -- 11. A.T. Hubbard's class, Ben Stahl -- 12. Evaluations, abstraction vs. realism piano concerto analogy to art -- 13. There has to be some kind of order. CD23 -- 1. Piano concerto analogy (cont'd) -- 2. Two kinds of art -- 3. Choice in life -- 4. Early recollections, Illinois, belief -- 5.Gloucester art colony, artists he knew -- 6. Artist's temperaments -- 7. Abstraction vs. realism -- 8. Observations on the arts the need for order in art.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Gore, Ken Interviewee.
Masters, David, Interviewer
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Artist colonies
Oral history
Manners and customs
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
2 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.
- Item sets
- Gloucester Oral History Collection