Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Curtis, Howard A.


Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Curtis, Howard A.
8 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following terms and names were used in this interview: Hester Curtis,salutes, memory gems, Ernest Fellows, Lawrence Hart (Larry), Wilbur Hatch, Frederick Lincoln, Riggs House, Scrivener, The Puritan House, Robert F. Brown, Alice Curtis, Walter King (lawyer,) Dr. Scott Mooring, Mabel Spofford, Prof. Alfred Mansfield, Brooks ,Mr. Friend, Stoddard Savagran, Charles A. Gray's, Stillman Hilton, Muresco, Lotus Male Quartet, Rocking Chair, english, Lazarus Come Forth, E. Mabel Smith, Powers, Stone Court, Maplewood, Bricky Proctor, Helen Merchant, Helen Olson, Edward Comeau, Mabel Spofford, Massachusetts Normal Art School, Annie Marr, Natalie Clough, Richard Carrigan, Woodbine, Lionel Barrymore, Pilgrim Engraving, Albert Philpott, White Rainment, Smith Harry Nickerson, Mascart Theatre, Daniel Brewster, Collins School, Ralph Pearson, Overlord, Schooner Herbert, L.E. Smith Co., Elmer Greene, Foxy Grampa, Happy Hooligan, Toots and Casper, Suffolk Engraving Co., Jules Ferrari, Hagopian, Blanchard, Cook, Just as I am, Without one Plea, Donald Stone, William Billy Brown, Burice, Robert Thomas, Robert Stephenson, New England School of Art, Bertram Hargraves, Francis Dolloff, Lazlo Kubinyi, Kalman Kubinyi, Doris Hall Kubinyi, Moisha Kubinyi, Lizzie Sumner Curtis, Deja vu, Jerome K. Jerome, Leslie O. Johnson, Matt Fertado, Doris Decker, The Cambrian Coast, Joseph Grillo , Tertiam Organum, No Man is an Island, New Model of the Universe, Francis Fosberg, archetype, gibberish, Gurdjieff, Annie Besant, Robert Frost, In Search of the Miraculous, P.D. Ouspensky, Thomas Merton, Gallery-on-the-Moors, William Atwood, Pirate's Lane (Sail Loft), Howard Allen Curtis, Roger William Curtis, David Phillip Curtis, John Edmund Curtis, Gruppe, (Emile), Rockport Art Association, Mr. Oscar, Yarnell, Abbott, Gloucester Society of Artists, Hawthorne Inn, North Shore Art Association, Ruth Beckman, New Hampshire Art Association, Copley Society in Boston, seer, Aldro Hibbard, Richard Recchia, William Meyerowitz, Therese Bernstein, James Saunder
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewer: Linda Brayton (3/7/1978)
CD 17 TRACKS: 1. Mr. Curtis' family background as early Gloucester settlers, genealogy -- 2. Mr. Curtis' beginnings as an artist, schooling, family ability, comments on diversity in human nature -- 3. Mr. Curtis' diversity of interests -- 4. Far reaching effects of accident with fireworks -- 5. Temporary setting aside of art career, studies at Wentworth Institute -- 6. Aspects of Mr. Curtis' personal philosophy -- 7. Signing up at art school - help of friends increased his confidence in people -- 8. Problem of finding work after graduation, applying for employment at Gloucester High School -- 9. Gloucester High School, problem arising from one school committee member's prejudice againstwomen -- 10. Employment at Gloucester High School -- 11. 1934 - search for work during Depression -- 12. Work on murals at Sawyer Free Library, panels at Cape Ann Historical Society -- 13. Work with Frederick L. Stoddard -- 14. Construction of Sawyer Free Library noted -- 15. Riggs House mentioned, 1954 repairs done on murals and walls - method -- 16. Further repairs on Library murals - 1974 -- 17. Other murals by Mr. Curtis - Spanish War Veteran's Hall, Prospect St. Methodist Church - fire.;CD 18 TRACKS: 1. Fire destroyed mural in Prospect St. Methodist Church (cont'd) -- 2. The Lotus Male Quartet, Rocking Chair Smith, evangelist -- 3. Religious plays by Mr. Curtis -- 4. Everything that happens in one's life is an influence -- 5. Aspects of Mr. Curtis' philosophy, especially relating to art -- 6. The element of the unknown in art -- 7. Mr. Curtis not greatly involved with other area artists, enjoyed being alone -- 8. North Shore Art Association - Mr. Stoddard -- 9. Opening remarks by Mr. Curtis, schools and teachers, school memories -- 10. Changes in art, teaching art, methods --11. Discipline in art, design -- 12. Influences on timing of art school experience and acquisition of skills in photo-engraving.;CD 19 TRACKS: 1. Work in photo engraving (cont'd) -- 2. Mr. Curtis' influence on his students, students who later became well known -- 3. Method of art - use element of uncertainty to develop something new, stirring the imagination -- 4. The art of living and art, goal - to help students express their own individuality 5. Comments on interconnectedness of universe -- 6. Comments on inter-connectedness of universe (cont'd) natural law, etc. -- 7. Making use of opportunities, following our God-given Vocations -- 8. Festival of The Arts, Robert Frost, the inner drive to be creative.;CD 20 TRACKS: 1. Art colonies and associations, the Curtis family of painters, types of art -- 2. Art as a personal thing -- 3. Art associations, area artists -- 4. Mural in Wesley Methodist Church -- 5. Personal philosophy, especially in regards to art -- 6.Remarks to aspiring artists.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Curtis, Howard A.
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
Masters, David, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Artist colonies
Mural paintings and decoration, American
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
4 sound discs : digital, stereo
4 3/4 in.