Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Thomas, Gordon
Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Thomas, Gordon
6 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following terms and names were used in this interview: Captain Leo Hynes, Sylvania, The Oretha F. Spinney, Captain Jim Sharp, The Puritan, Arichat, Cape Breton, Sable Island, Mary Webber, The Sadie Nunnan, Taffrail log, Lunenburg Sextant, dead reckoning, The Caviare, lead (led), Captain Collins, Roy Parsons, Carrie L. Phillips, prize crews, Edward Burgess, salt bankers, hand liners , hail, haul up, scrod, Shelbourne, Amesbury dories, shacking, Capt. Peter Strescino, strings, Capt. Robertson Griffin, blossom, Capt. Charlie Colson, Cross-eyed Otto, Lowell family, purse seining, Captain Sol Jacobs, high line, Helen Miller Gould, Jay Gould, Black Angus, Skysail Jack, Knickle Studio, Single Roof, Charlie-Capt. Charles Martin .
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewers: Linda Brayton and David Masters (2/27/1978 & 3/6/1978); Interviewer(s): Linda Brayton and David Masters.
CD 13 TRACKS: 1. 1906 born in Gloucester, father -- 2. Fathers death in Halifax -- 3. The Puritan -- 4. Sable Island, the graveyard of the Atlantic, northwest bar -- 5 The Puritan blown up by the Germans during WWI -- 6. WW II: shelled by Nazis, a different breed -- 7. Flying Fishermen -- 8. Gloucestermen, Gloucester, mother port -- 9. P.B.S., the Adventure, zoom cameras -- 10. Captains Courageous -- 11. Last American dory trawler -- 12. Enough Thomases aboard -- 13. Vessels a passion with me -- 14. Trips to Boston --15. Photos for Wharf and Fleet -- 16. How vessels constructed, dangers of early fishing -- 17. Dead reckoning, down Easters: comparisons, old and new -- 18. A hard life, the Caviare, no enthusiasm.;CD 14 TRACKS: 1. Gloucester missed its chance -- 2. People from all over -- 3. Vessels named after women, and vice versa -- 4. Sail and power, labor of love -- 5. Frozen harbor, pollution -- 6. Fast and Able, prize crews -- 7. Harbor charm -- 8. Changes, even the mud was clean -- 9. End.;CD 15 TRACKS:1. Shipping -- 2. Handliners and saltbankers -- 3. Scrod defined -- 4. Mackerel -- 5. Power and sail -- 6. Dangers of gasoline power -- 7. Fishing off of Georges Bank -- 8. Halibuting toughest, mackerel fishing easiest -- 9. Haddocking, Portuguese fishing -- 10. Shacking -- 11. Power and sail -- 12. Skipper's nicknames -- 13. Interest in horses -- 14. Financial problems -- 15. Some closing thoughts -- 16. Mariner's Museum, Newport News, early interest sparked at Sawyer Free Library.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Gordon, Thomas, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
Masters, David, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Manners and customs
Authors -- Interviews
Oral history
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
3 sound discs : digital, stereo