Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Domingos, Manuel P., Jr.
Toward an oral history of Cape Ann : Domingos, Manuel P., Jr.
4 sound files, digital, MPEG3 file
The following names and terms were used in this interview: sight, forecastle/fo'c'sle, Capt. Frank Cooney, sounding lead, trawl, tallow soap, ganging,hauling back,trawl tub, hold ground-line,pens, pen boards, torch-wicking, crownings, Cardinal Cushing, Fr. De Mours,Captain Joseph P. Mesquita, Gloucester Fraternity Club, Captain Ralph Silva, Johnny Rose, Captain Frank Saunders, Fr. De Bem, Manuel G. Silva,John Pew, Irving Usen, Slade-Gorton,O'Donnell-Usen, Reed & Gamage,Clarence Birdsey
Linda Brayton and David Masters, principal oral historians; Interviewers: Linda Brayton and David Masters (2/21/1978).
CD 9 TRACKS: 1. Mr. Domingo's background -- 2. Father's background, immigration to USA beginning in fishing -- 3. Fishing prior to diesel power dory-trawling, equipment and methods used -- 4. Trawler described, crew, navigation -- 5. How dories were used, a typical day catching the fish, storing the catch, etc., marketing -- 6. Advent of the dragger leads to end of dory-trawling -- 7. Captain's role, accidents and sickness, captain's word was law -- 8. Nationalities on ships, Portuguese trawlers -- 9. Change in fishing with advent of dragger -- 10. Types of fishing (e.g. swordfishing, longlining) -- 11. Portuguese fishermen, reasons they are fewer, conditions on board, night fishing (torch-wicking) -- 12. Reasons people went fishing -- 13. Gloucester as a port -- 14. Seining -- 15. Portuguese immigration - reasons, Portuguese Hill -- 16. First immigrants - families, attitudes, aspirations, activities, church, politics17 - Gloucester's appeal, growing up in Gloucester.;CD10 TRACKS: 1. Growing up in Gloucester (cont'd) - games, sports -- 2. Portuguese Blessing of the Fleet, dances -- 3. Pollution -- 4. Portuguese Blessing of the Fleet (cont'd) especially recollections of first year, different from Italian Blessing of the Fleet -- 5. Two ships visit from Portugal -- 6. Church, Our Lady of Good Voyage, statue, bells -- 7. United Fisheries operated by Mr. Domingos' father, the Mr. Domingos -- 8. Fishermen's races, some boats named -- 9. Portuguese skippers -- 10. Charles Fernandes' story -- 11. Portuguese Hill, values of Portuguese people -- 12. Reasons for diminishing size of Portuguese fleet, comparison between earlier days in Gloucester and present -- 13. Gorton's Co., frozen foods, cold storage.
Originally issued on sound cassettes and transferred to compact discs.
Institution: Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Library
Domingos, Manuel P., Jr, Interviewee
Brayton, Linda, Interviewer
Masters, David, Interviewer
[Gloucester, Mass] : Sawyer Free Library
Portuguese Americans
Oral history
Seafaring Life
Manners and customs
Emigration and immigration
sound recording-nonmusical
Sound recordings
Original Format
2 sound discs : digital, stereo