Gloucester Government City Record Books, 1642-1782
Item set
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Gloucester Government City Record Books, 1642-1782
These records contain information about land grants, warrants, elections and appointments, enrolled militia, jurors, highways, recorded damages, committee to interview candidates for minister, Parish Officers, burial cloth purchases, agreements with people of the town to care for the poor and receive payments for their care, orders drawn on the Town Treasurer for expenses, accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, accounts of the Constable, perambulations, death records, birth records, marriage records, records of intentions to marry, and information about noteworthy events that happened.
Gloucester Selectmen’s Records, 1721-1754
The Gloucester Selectmen’s Records, Volume 2, 1721-1754 includes entries relating to meetings, the appointments of highway repairs to various surveyors, the commitment of tax lists to Constables for collection and settlements, agreements with people of the town to care for the poor and receive payments for their care, orders drawn on the Town Treasurer for expenses, lists of taxes abated, warnings out, and other entries related to town governance. Of note are names of people that do not appear elsewhere in town records. Includes Index. -
Gloucester Selectmen’s records, 1699-1721
The Gloucester Selectmen’s Records, Volume 1, 1699-1721 includes entries relating to town governance, minutes of meetings, and orders drawn on the Town Treasurer for expenses. Includes Index. -
Gloucester Selectmen’s Day Book, 1775-1782
The Gloucester Selectmen’s Day Book, 1775-1782, entries includes financial accounts relating to the purchase of supplies for the militia and bounties for soldiers. Additional entries include abatement of taxes, hiring of school teachers, an account of powder stores and their location, a 1779 account of items left in a workhouse in the care of Captain William Gee, approbations to sell liquor, accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, accounts of the Constable, perambulations, and “aprize of bread.” The volume also includes a list of privateers and their vessels, and a 1907 “Gloucester Daily Times” newspaper clipping regarding the 125th Anniversary of Revolutionary War soldiers brought to Gloucester, Massachusetts on Halifax cartel. -
Gloucester Town Records, 1642-1715
The Town Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts, Volume 1, 1642-1715 includes entries relating to town meetings, minutes of meetings, land grants, warrants, elections and appointments, reports of elected and appointed officials and committees, highways, agreements, recorded damages, land transactions including deeds and leases, animal markings and impoundments, religious societies, appropriations, enrolled militia, jurors, and other topics relating to town governance. -
Gloucester Town Records, 1694-1762
The Town Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts, Volume 2, 1694-1762 includes entries relating to town meetings, minutes of meetings, land grants, warrants, elections and appointments, reports of elected and appointed officials and committees, highways, agreements, recorded damages, land transactions including deeds and leases, animal markings and impoundments, religious societies, appropriations, enrolled militia, jurors, and other topics relating to town governance. -
4th Parish Records, 1743-1839
The 4th Parish Records of Gloucester, Massachusetts include entries relating to town meeting minutes, constable warrants, the General Court dividing First Parish into two parishes, and a chronological listing of warrants to Constable to notify the inhabitants of Fourth Parish of meetings. Warrants and meeting minutes include choosing a moderator, a committee to interview candidates for minister, Parish officers, raising money, the names of elected officials, money to be raised, outcomes of votes, church repairs, burial cloth purchases, receiving Parish's proportion of Town money for school and hiring a schoolmaster, and other topics relating to town governance.